Old Tails for New Primates


Welcome to the first draft of Old Tails for New Primates. I expect the look of the thing to improve over time as I get better at using WordPress.

The main purpose of the site is to provide a resource for people who want to learn about evolution, with special reference to combatting Creationists – but I also hope to raise enough money in occasional tips to keep my electricity on, help some friends who are even further down the pipe than I am and afford the pro version of the WordPress theme I’m using. Many of the articles will be fuller versions of my answers given on Quora.com, as Quora’s search facility is poor, and posting on this blog will make it easier for people to find the information they need. There will be space for readers’ comments, but I am not currently planning on accepting comments from Creationists – for the same reason that sites about serious geography probably don’t accept comments from Flat Earthers.

There will also be book reviews, recommended links, and articles on other topics which interest me and which I hope will interest my readers. In particular I mean to collect examples of bad experimental design, a topic which has long both interested and annoyed me. New posts will probably be added at a rate of two or three a week. General blog-type notices will appear on this page, recommended links can be found in the menu at the top of the page, and articles will be accessible through the Topics menu at the side.

If you wish to receive email notifications about new posts, you can subscribe via the little form underneath the Topics & Tags menu at the side. It will send you an email with a link to confirm that you wish to subscribe: I apologise in advance for the annoying text of this email with its wittering about “sharing the awesomeness”, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to edit it. Note that it won’t send you notifications unless you reply to the initial email and confirm you wish to subscribe.

symmetrical silhouettes of small fossil shark Damocles serratus, used as divider
Site news

Update 1

Three new posts added, one in Science — Biology, other and two in Psychic/Spiritual. Click to share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email No related posts.